Sunday, May 30, 2010

20/10 Tabatas

While I've been home taking care of our little Aubrey, Bryan has been at the gym getting spoiled by Tyron's workouts. I have been extremely jealous! Bryan has quickly grown to love Tyron's challenging workouts just as much as I have over the last few years. He comes home in the evening raving about everything Tyron has taught him and how efficient and extremely effective the workouts are. Besides Bryan gaining strength and energy, the fact that his body is changing drastically before his eyes is proof that the workouts are excellent. We're both enjoying all the changes.

Now for me, I've got to get this baby weight off my tummy! Ugh, it's just awful!! My goal with Tyron is to work out with him 3 days a week and 3 on my own. I'm currently 130 pounds consisting of way too much fat and not enough muscle. My goal weight is roughly 124 pounds. This is definintely the hardest part! Tyron and I have been able to meet twice a week for a couple weeks. This coming week we are going to try very hard to keep our goal of meeting 3 times. Let's keep our fingers crossed!

Last week my wonderful mom took care of Aubrey for a couple of hours so I could slip away and work out with both Bryan and Tyron. Tyron actually played photographer while he instructed us on what to do. We all had the best time! The name of the work out was 20/10 Tabatas. It consisted of 4 supersetted exercises repeated 8 times with 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest. It sounds confusing, but it is so simple to remember. You basically work out hard for a solid 30 minutes and that's your work out! Tyron's workouts are very efficient and so much fun!

Below are a bunch of pictures of our workout. We all laughed the whole way through so the photos are far from serious. In my future posts I'll be listing specific workouts. Today is just a bunch of fun photos. Hope you enjoy!

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