Monday, June 7, 2010

Method Behind the Madness...

June workouts have been labeled Method Behind the Madness by my amazing trainer Tyron. I love it! Tyron now has names for all of his workouts. Method Behind the Madness are continuous 20 minute workouts that wear you out in a hurry. I have been enjoying them so much. Each new day that I train with Tyron, I can't wait to see what he's planning on putting me through next. My first workout in June was called "Guns & Buns". As soon as I heard the name I knew I was going to love it...well at least half of it! I love working on my legs, but arms have always been such a challenge for me. Below is the workout he put me through...

Gun n Buns (20sec work/20sec rest) workout...20/10 Guns n Buns


1. Dumbbell Sumo Dead Lift
2. Dumbbell Swings

*Perform this compound set 4x followed by 60s rest*


1. Bent Over Row
2. Bicep Curl

*perform 4x


1. Band-Resistance 1-Leg bent knee hip extension (L-leg)
2. Band-Resistance 1-Leg bent knee hip extension (R-leg)

*perform 4x*


1. Dumbbell Close Grip Pushup
2. Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extension

*perform 4x*

I sincerely struggled through this workout. It was such a challenge but I was so sore the following day. I knew I had definitely completed a successful workout.

My next workout of the week was my favorite so far. It's been three days since the workout and I am still sore! I honestly can't wait to do it again. Tyron brought a white board with each of the exercises listed in order making it easily to follow so I wouldn't have to stop if I'd forgotten what was next. So very nice of him! With this workout I only have four different exercises. The catcher was I had to complete the set of four exercises 10 times in a certain amount of time. He kind of made it into a little bit of a game too. Basically I had two minutes to complete 10 reps of each of the four exercises. If I finished early, I was able to rest until the full two minutes were up. If I finished in 60 seconds or less, I had to increase my weights and level of difficulty. And if I finished right at two minutes I didn't get a break and had to go right back into the next set. I loved it!!! I was exhausted by the time I was done and loved the fact that I had just completed an amazing workout in just 20 minutes. Even Baby Aubrey loves the 20 minute workouts because she gets her mommy back faster!! is Tryon Johnson's personal training website. On his website he explains in detail the concept behind his 20/10 workouts and why they are so efficient. He lists several different workouts in three different levels depending on the level of difficulty you're able to handle. His site also has tons of nurtritional information and fitness tips too. Each of these workouts are very similar to the workouts performed in his Knockout Bootcamp classes at MegaFitness. There is always room for one more bootcamper up for the challenge!!! If I can do these workouts after just having a baby and truly love them and see amazing results, I know anyone else that is up to the Knockout Bootcamp challenge will see amazing results and love the constant changes along the way.

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