Thursday, March 4, 2010

Taking After Daddy...

Though we certainly cannot hold off to have little Aubrey once spring arrives, she's sure pushing for it! She is taking after her daddy's love of the heat and sunshine. She has chosen to continue to stay in mommy's warm tummy for the time being.

We had our very uneventful doctors appointment this week. Not much has changed in the progress of her being ready to meet the world. Our doctor was hopefully still that it would only be a few days. She truly felt we wouldn't make it to another doctors appointment. Our next appointment is scheduled for Monday, March 8 just in case. If we do make it to that appointment, I will most likely be admitted to the hospital that evening to be induced.

Until then, Bryan and I will continue to try all the little tricks to start the labor process naturally. Trust me, we have tried everything!!! All this extra walking and cleaning has thankfully kept my weight exactly the same the enitre last month. I can't tell you how excited I am to get my weight back under 150 lbs again!!!

Once again, we will keep you posted on any changes.

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